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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bush's Book "Decision Points" May Put Him in Prison For Crimes Against Humanity

President George W. in an attempt to have himself re-habilitate his character in time, wrote his memoirs called 'Decision Points', but because of the book, it may seem to be just a matter of time that the book may be responsible for him going into prison for crimes against humanity.

The following is a transcript of the video below, and I suggest that you read this very closely. If you don't believe what you read, just listen the video and then speculate of what may be the future of George W. Bush.

Here is the transcript of the video in its entirety.....

Policies changed significantly, especially during the George Bush era, especially following the 911 attacks. After staying out of the limelight since leaving office almost 2 years ago, America's 43rd President is now having his own say on his time in office. In his memoirs 'Decision Points', he reveals his thoughts on the most historic and contraversial parts of his presidency. Now to discuss those, let's now talk to the former Democrat member of Congress, Tom Andrews.

Thank you very much for joining us...  Now Tom in his book, George Bush said that the invasion of Iraq was right, because it was about changing the regime, persuing weapons of mass destruction. What do you think about the strength of that case?

Answer by Tom Andrews:  Well, there is no strength, I mean, you know it is rather extraodinary. Former President Bush was on national television last night here in the United States, and he said his lowest moment, the lowest of the low, as he described it, was when a rap artist, Kenya West, accused him about not caring about black people, during the Katrina debocle, and the failure of the U.S. government to respond to that hurricane disaster. When in fact, you have a war against Iraq, a violation of international law, an invasion that killed thousands of American soldiers, over 100,000 Iraqis, all to go after weapons of mass destruction that did not exist. And to make it worse, you had American soldiers, 700 of them lost their lives in Iraq, because in this war of choice, this administration didn't think it was important enough to provide them with the protective armor, that if they had it, they would be alive today. And in this interview, based on this book, the President said his lowest moment was when he was criticized by an American rap artist for his handling of the Katrina disaster. Um, I don't think that anyone buys this. The Iraq war, a vast number of Americans believe that now it was a tragic mistake, and the fact that it was done in a way that it was done, makes it even worse. 

Well, he seems that he is trying to highlight this Katrina incident, and he admits to some of the mistakes made during his presidency, and this is appearently something that he has kept in his mind. Do you welcome his honesty on this, and why do you think he is bringing this up as his priority?

Answer by Tom Andrews: Well, I think what he is trying to do is to re-habilitate himself. and as we saw in the last election, members of his own political party, ran away from George W. Bush. He has a very low opinion rating, certainly one of the lowest, in fact THE lowest of opinion ratings from Americans of any president  in modern American history, and I think he is trying to spin his administration and his legacy, perhaps to get a better judgement from historians that what the American people are giving him now. But even in those instances in which he admits wrong-doing, let's take Katrina for example, what he admits to doing wrong was not stopping in New Orleans on the flight back from his ranch in Texas from his vacation, on his way to Washington. That's what he thinks is his biggest mistake with respect to Katrina, and then telling the man in charge that he was doing a hell of a job. I mean, this doesn't even begin to recognize the fundamental failure of leadership, of competency, and of ability to set priorities that this administration failed to do in New Orleans, and certainly in Iraq, and to mention only two.

Ok, now let's go on to a very sensitive point on the interrogation of terror suspects. Bush says legal advisors told him that simulated drowning was legal, and he believes that it helped prevent terror attacks. And now do you agree that this method can be justified if it helps save lives?

Answer by Tom Andrews: No. First of all, it is illegal. You can get an attorney to say anything you want, but the fact of the matter is, it is illegal. Secondly, it violates international law, it violates the Geneva Convention, and thirdly, it puts American soldiers at risk. So when they find themselves, God forgive in enemy's hands, then they are faced with the prospect of the same treatment given to them, that George Bush was authorizing, given to those the United States  brought into custody. So whether you look at it from the point of view of international law, or the point of view of the.......(The audio disappears at this point in the video. There were 17 seconds left to the video)

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